Mightex Annual Research
Excellence Prize
Excellence Prize
Are you an undergraduate, graduate, or post-doctoral researcher using Mightex equipment to answer your research questions?
Showcase your research by entering the Mightex Annual Research Excellence Prize!
All accepted applications will be published on the Mightex website (including picture of applicant) and all will receive $500 USD.
Three additional prizes will be awarded for the best submissions:
1st Prize: $3000 USD
2nd Prize: $2000 USD
3rd Prize: $1000 USD
Eligible entrants are required to submit a short video or photo with a brief description of how the unique solutions offered by Mightex are helping to shape scientific advances. Please see the application form below.
Applicants must be:
**Applications will be accepted throughout the year. Award winners will be notified in Fall 2022**
Details of previous award winners can be found here.
Please do not hesitate to contact Mightex if you have any questions!
Step 1: Download the application form through this link and complete all required fields.
Step 2: Complete the submission form below and upload your application form along with the supporting material.